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Health Care Fraud Federal Defense Attorneys

Health care fraud is a federal crime that can be committed by either the provider or the consumer.

Health care fraud requires showing that a person intentionally submitted or caused a third party to submit false or misleading information that would be relied on in determining the amount of health care benefits payable.

Health Care providers may be charged with health care fraud by:

  1. Billing for services not actually performed.
  2. Providing a patient with a false diagnosis to justify tests, surgeries, and procedures that are in actuality not necessary.
  3. Misrepresenting surgeries actually performed.
  4. Billing the patient more than the co-pay amount for services already paid for under the benefit plan.

Consumers may be charged with health care fraud by:

  1. Filing claims for services and medications not received.
  2. Using someone else’s insurance; forging/altering bills or receipts.

Health care fraud can carry a prison term of up to 10 years as well as excessive fines.

The federal criminal defense lawyers at Jones & Hull, P.C. have health care fraud knowledge and the investigative experience to effectively defend you if facing health care fraud charges.

DWI Lawyer Plano, TX
     Contact Us Today for a Free Consultation: 602-467-6742

Jones & Hull, P.C.

3242 Coplin Avenue McKinney, TX 75069
Tel: 602-467-6742
Fax: 602-467-2154

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